Maximizing seed establishment begins before seed is
purchased. Ambiguity or conflicts in the entire seeding process should be
resolved before any contracts are let. External inputs such as hay-mulch,
topsoil, fill and machinery should be evaluated for contaminants. Seeding dates
should reflect the needs of seedling establishment. Enough time must be
incorporated into the project to allow all participants to do their jobs well.
Clearly defined specs should exist before any solicitations
occur. Specs must include species name rather than common generic name like
"Goldenrod," pure live seed rates and total quantity required. If the job calls
for unusual species or large quantities, call a reputable seed company and
inquire about species availability. Ask about incompatibility of species within
the seed mix. If substitutes might be needed, determine what substitutes will be
acceptable and under what conditions. Going to bid before these steps are
completed risks a corrupted bidding process, costly delays and poor performance.
The use of certified seed deserves consideration for any
project. Certified seed is usually higher quality than uncertified. Generally,
higher quality seed is cleaner, has greater germination potential, better
seedling vigor, fewer weeds and better shelf life. Certified seed reduces the
risk of introducing alien species. In seeding specs the term "certified seed" is
frequently misused so bids should require "blue-tagged Certified seed." Require
the blue tags be on the bags, or with a blend, require the blue tags be sent
with the mix.
After seed arrives, check labels and weights for accuracy,
origins and test dates. If seed is to be tested, draw samples and send them to a
seed lab. Be sure you know the proper method for sampling or call a State seed
inspector. Seed tests measure purity, germination and weed or crop content. Test
results should be interpreted with established tolerances in mind and an
understanding of factors that could skew results. Red flags on a seed test would
be absence of key species in a mix, especially the rare and expensive ones,
large presence of cheap or unordered species, presence of noxious weeds, or
significant deviations between advertised purity /germination and test results.
Tests are intended to be statements of probability and should be interpreted
with care. If discrepancies appear on seed tests, ask vendor for an explanation
before you form an opinion..
River Seed 2009–2019 |